LIVER PRO - Liver vitaliser

What is LIVER PRO?

Understanding the unique creation of Plant kingdom for the benefit of the Liver health, CKN Innovations, formulated this product which is a water based vegetable extract.

Modern day human population are subjected to unhealthy environmental living. The five vegetables, Ash gourd, Bottle gourd, Ivy gourd, Ridge gourd, and Cucumber, are the key to promote healthy leaving. Liver Pro is a water based food substance not a medication

 For more details, check out the PDF document given below. 


50ml Liver Pro should be taken only once a day on empty stomach in the morning as soon as you wake up. 

After taking 50ml of Liver Pro, One should provide 30 minutes gap for the intake of any beverage or food. 

Product details

Size             :  1 Litre (1000ml)

Packaging   :   Plastic bottle

Liver Pro

Liver Pro - A Unique Product

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